Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New review of The Monkeyface Chronicles in Resource Links Magazine

A new review of The Monkeyface Chronicles:

"This is a frenetic trip, and Richard Scarsbrook packs a wallop of modern day ills and Canadiana into 300 pages.

This page turner rocks and rolls, and if you’re interested in fundamental Christians, sex, hockey, Toronto, motorcycles, homemade porno, small town politics, dysfunctional families, profanity, wine, and cemeteries, then this is the book for you.

Scarsbrook is an excellent writer with great comic overtones. . . Philip is a very likeable protagonist who sometimes appears to be the only character in the book with his feet on the ground. He is totally appealing."

Rating: Good to Excellent

- Resource Links Magazine
, Volume 15, Number 5