Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Monkeyface Chronicles BOOK LAUNCH EXTRAVAGANZA at the Rivoli, Thursday April 15!

The Book Launch Extravaganza for THE MONKEYFACE CHRONICLES will happen on the evening of THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2010, at the legendary back room at THE RIVOLI (334 Queen Street West, Toronto)!

The party will feature hot-off-the-presses copies of THE MONKEYFACE CHRONICLES, short, exciting, dramatic readings (as opposed to the long, dull, monotone kind) from the book, interspersed with original songs by me (and a few selected covers), backed by the fabulous FEATHERLESS BIPEDS band! (Scroll down to meet the band!)

Check www.richardscarsbrook.com, for more info!

Email monkeyfacechronicles@gmail.com to get on the Guest List!

I hope to see you there!